Ticket refund or change

Return or exchange of tickets is carried out by the following rules:

  • 1. If the event takes place on the scheduled date and place:

    When returning or exchanging a ticket 48 hours or earlier before the start of the event, 30% of the ticket price will be deducted. Tickets cannot be returned or exchanged 48 hours or less before the start of the event.

    Following the above rules, you can receive ticket refunds using the following payment methods:

    • Funds for tickets purchased in cash or non-cash at city box offices are refunded in cash at our box offices located at 28 Mall and Ganjlik Mall;
    • Funds for tickets purchased on the iTicket.KG website and mobile application using the “MilliÖn” payment method are refunded in cash at our box offices located in 28 Mall and Ganjlik Mall;
    • Funds for tickets purchased by the “Online” payment method from the iTicket.KG website and mobile application can be received by calling +994 12 424 24 24, indicating the corresponding order number and PIN code. The payment is returned to the bank card account within 7-30 working days from the requested period;
    • Funds for tickets purchased on the iTicket.KG website and in the mobile application using the “Wallet” payment method are returned only to the wallet.

  • 2. If the event is postponed or the venue changes:

    If an event is rescheduled or the venue changes, you can check with our call center to find out if your tickets are valid for the new time or location.

    If you are unsatisfied with the new date or venue, you may return your tickets and receive a refund within 14 days of being notified of the rescheduled event. If more than 14 days have passed, 30% of the ticket price will be charged. Tickets cannot be returned or exchanged if there are less than 48 hours left until the new date of the event.

    By the above rules, you can receive a refund for tickets in the following ways:

    • Şa) Funds for tickets purchased at city box offices in credit card payments are returned to the bank account by presenting a bank card used in the purchase at the relevant box offices while presenting the receipt of the payment;
      ATTENTION: After more than 14 days from the date of providing the information, the funds are returned in cash at our box offices located in the 28 Mall and Ganjlik Mall.
    • Tickets purchased in cash are refunded in cash at our box offices located at 28 Mall and Ganjlik Mall;
    • Tickets purchased on the iTicket.KG website and mobile application using the “MilliÖn” payment method are returned in cash at our box offices located at 28 Mall and Ganjlik Mall;
    • Funds for tickets purchased by the “Online” payment method from the iTicket.KG website and mobile application can be received by calling +994 12 424 24 24, indicating the corresponding order number and PIN code. The payment is returned to the bank card account within 7-30 working days from the requested period;
    • Tickets purchased on the iTicket.KG website and in the mobile application using the “Wallet” payment method will be returned only to the wallet.

  • 3. If the event is canceled:

    If the event is canceled, upon your request, your payment will be refunded without deduction.

    Following the above rules, you can receive ticket refunds using the following payment methods:

    • Funds for tickets purchased in credit card payments at city box offices are returned to the bank account by presenting a bank card used in the purchase at the relevant box offices while presenting the receipt of the payment;
    • Tickets purchased in cash at city box offices are refunded in cash at our box offices located at 28 Mall and Ganjlik Mall;
    • Tickets purchased on the iTicket.KG website and mobile application using the “MilliÖn” payment method are returned in cash at our box offices located in 28 Mall and Ganjlik Mall;
    • Funds for tickets purchased by the “Online” payment method from the iTicket.KG website and mobile application can be received by calling +994 12 424 24 24, indicating the corresponding order number and PIN code. The payment is returned to the bank card account within 7-30 working days from the requested period.
    • Tickets purchased on the iTicket.KG website and in the mobile application using the “Wallet” payment method will be returned only to the wallet.

NOTE 1: You can get information about non-refundable events at our call center at +994 12 424 24 24.

NOTE 2: Paper tickets must be provided to the cashier during the refund process.